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ReNTox 100 Units (RENTOX) stands out as an innovative premium type A preparation (botulinum toxin), designed to effectively address concerns such as forehead wrinkles, glabellar lines, and crow’s feet. It is presented as a white transparent injectable dry micro powder in a clear glass vial, which undergoes a transformation into a colorless, transparent liquid upon reconstitution with a solvent (saline solution). Importantly, the vial is not empty.


The benefits of ReNTox 100 encompass the correction of various issues, including blepharospasm, mimic wrinkles, neurological disorders, hyperhidrosis (sweating), and the treatment of migraines. Additionally, it plays a role in rectifying forehead, eyebrow, nose, and eye wrinkles, along with addressing "kissetny wrinkles" characterized by lowered corners of the mouth.


For the application of ReNtox 100 Units, it is advised for the temporary enhancement of the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles linked to mimic activity in adult patients aged 18 to 65 years.


Precautions and recommendations involve refraining from thermal procedures, antibiotics, blood-clotting-affecting medications, alcohol, and smoking in the days leading up to the procedure, as they can counteract the drug's efficacy and lead to swelling. During the 7-10 day rehabilitation period post-procedure, it is crucial to abstain from antibiotics, alcohol, cosmetic procedures (including massages and peels), thermal treatments like hot baths, saunas, and steam baths, as well as any body movements involving bending that might induce a rush of blood to the head.


Re N Tox 100ui is a botulinum toxin type A designed for the elimination of deep wrinkles and folds. Engineered to induce relaxation in localized spasmodic muscles, Re N Tox boasts a lower diffusion compared to similar products, allowing for precise targeting of specific skin regions. Its popularity has soared in cosmetology clinics, particularly in South Korea and Japan.

The composition of Re N Tox includes Botulinum toxin type A, Human serum albumin (0.5mg), and Sodium chloride (0.9mg).


Key strengths of Re N Tox:


  • Visible results within three days post-procedure.
  • Long-lasting effects.
  • Low diffusion.
  • Gelatin-free formula.

Re N Tox is applicable for:


  • Correction of wrinkles (forehead, between the eyebrows, nose, eyes, and corners of the mouth).
  • Elimination of blepharospasm.
  • Elimination of hyperhidrosis.


The duration of the effects lasts from 6-8 months. Packaged in 1 vial with 100 units per pack, the product comes with contraindications. The responsibility for any negative effects encountered after individual use lies with the user. It is highly recommended to consult a doctor or medical professional before engaging in any procedure involving the product.

Rentox 100 Units

SKU: BO6418

    Re N Tox is a type A botulinum toxin utilized for the reduction of severe wrinkles and folds. Its efficacy lies in locally relaxing spasmodic muscles. Re N Tox exhibits reduced diffusion compared to analogous products, enabling targeted treatment of specific areas of the skin. This characteristic has contributed to its widespread popularity in cosmetic clinics across South Korea and Japan.


    The ingredients of Re N Tox 100 include Clostridium Botulinum Type A, Human Serum Albumin (0.5mg), and Sodium Chloride (0.9mg).

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